GreenIdeaLive - Find, discuss and publish ideas
GreenIdeaLive is a non profit public open source blog that is used by engineers, inventors and other professionals to publish, find and discuss ideas and inventions.
Core business
Generation of up to date, reliable and cost effective concepts
Generation of quick and sufficient mathematical models for performance and loads prediction to perform the right concept selection
Product development, thermodynamics, aerodynamics, dynamics and control
KISS (keep it simple stupid)
Further development by you or by third parties, among others by the large number of our contacts also possible under our lead.
About Innovy
Innovy was funded by Drs. Ing. F. Hagg, after an early retirement from Stork Product Engineering. Drs. Ing. F. Hagg has worked for Stork for 36 years and have given Stork and his customers a lot of new ideas and practical design tools.
Now he and is his high skilled parters will make their skills and experience available, to help other companies create new ideas or to help them realize their ideas and projects.